Thursday, December 18, 2008

The secret to Adsense is "Keyword Coupling"

"I spent months, actually a year, banging my head against a wall trying to improve my AdSense revenues. I tried everything, fancy graphic layouts, countless domain name purchases, and lots of late nights coding. All in vain. Then I stumbled on a technique that worked. One of the foundations of my methodology is what I've termed "Keyword Coupling". It involves pairing a unique, narrow-focused keyword with a broader, generic one. A few examples would be "iPhone + Unlock", "Credit + Tonight", or "Britney + Pizza". When you put these types of keyword couplets into your blog or website content, you narrow your target audience. At the same time, Google optimizes your AdSense links to match your content. This produces a synergy which dramatically increases the potential for click-based revenues. The full details are in my DIY guide "AdSense Rockstar" but if you'd rather leave the technical details to me, I can get you started with one of my "Rockstar Packages"." We can start from zero or optimize the AdSense methods you're currently using. Either way, I guarantee your AdSense revenues will increase.

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